DIY // Watercolor Party Cloth

Usually when you are throwing a party there is little time to even consider taking on a large project like hand dyeing a table cloth / backdrop. So here is my tip, do this project first, and then throw a party just to use it! Problem solved. It would also make a beautiful ceremony back drop for a wedding or a one-of- a kind set of bed sheets. We love to make things versatile for you here on Goldmine. We used these lovely blue shades but you can truly use whatever colors you want. It's a simple project with a big pay off. Have fun :) 


  • 1 white sheet, table cloth, or large piece of fabric ( we used a sheet) 
  • 2-3 shades of blue acrylic ink 
  • 2-3 plastic squirt bottles (depending on how many colors you are using) 
  • drop cloth (optional) 


*You may want to do this project outside as it can be very messy. If you are doing it inside, I recommend using a drop cloth. 

1.Pour about 1 tablespoon of each shade of ink in their respective squirt bottles and fill one of the squirt bottles with just water. Add about 1/2 cup of water to the ink bottles. This dilutes the color. You can make it as light or as intense as you want. I chose to have one of the blues stay quite intense while the other was more pale. There's room to tinker with the shades and intensities. 

2. Lay your cloth over drop cloth (if using) and begin to spray the ink all over your sheet. Spray heavier in some areas and then lighter in others. After spraying the ink on, I used the plain water to spritz in areas I thought the color was too strong. This part is very fun and experimental. In the end, you just want the whole cloth to be sprayed with the two colors of ink and for it to look like you've painted a picture using watercolor. 

3. Because I am impatient, I folded the cloth up (like I was going to put it in the linen closet) and I poured the inky water between each fold. I let it soak in and it created a very nice watercolor effect. 

4. You will need to rinse the cloth out, this can be done using a water hose or washing machine. The ink is very color fast and won't fade much. After you've rinsed it, toss it in the dryer or let it air dry in the sun. 

DIY by:

Megan Forbes

Photos by:

Christina Hussey