DIY // Hanging Planter

 I'm beginning to have so many plants in my house that I am running out of places to put them. I bought this basket from IKEA a while back, for something like .90 cents and had yet to find the right use for it. Lo, two problems are solved in one project. I can look to the ceiling for places to put my plants and have found the job that, perhaps, this basket was made for. If you don't happen to have a basket with a wide weave lying around, you can buy this one at


.  Read on and I will tell you how I turned it into a hanging planter. 


  • 1 basket with a wide weave 
  • hemp cord ( I just bought a large spool of it) 
  • wooden beads 
  • 1 plant in a pot 

  1. Take a long piece of the hemp cord and begin weaving it throughout the holes in the basket. Go around and do this about 10 times or longer. Personally, my attention span wouldn't allow me to weave more. 

2. Next, cut 12 pieces of cord about 1 yard long ( I always err on the side of two long and then trim later) and divide them into 4 groups of 3. Space them out evenly in 4 spots around the basket and give them a tight knot around the brim of the basket. Gather them at the top and hold it up to make sure it is all evenly balanced. String about 5 wooden beads on each one and then tie all the strings together at the top. Make sure all your knots are secure. I would say it could hold up to 5 lbs of plant.

Project by :

Megan Forbes

Photos by:

Christina Hussey

GOLDMINEDIY, plantsComment