3rd Day of Craftsmas // Pre-Thanksgiving Wreath Update

Ok folks, if you tuned in with us on Tuesday on Periscope, you've already seen this. For those who didn't tune in, this project is so easy it's silly. I bought this wreath prematurely (i.e. pre-thanksgiving) from Trader Joes. You know how it is, you see it and love and freak out because TJ's runs out of stuff! So I bought it and loved but, alas, it dried out and looked shabby before we even got our Christmas tree. All it needed was a generous coat of white spray paint and it became a new wreath.


  • 1 boxwood wreath (real, fake, dried, it doesn't matter) 
  • 1 can of white spray paint 
  • Ribbon (optional) 


Liberally spray paint the entire wreath until all the green is covered. Tie a lovely ribbon around it and hang it on your door and the celebrate being a creative genius.

Be cure to check out the video for this on


! Our handle is @goldminjournal :)


Megan Forbes


Christina Hussey