13th Day of Craftsmas // String Letter Ornaments

This project, I found, to be mildly therapeutic. You just keep wrapping and wrapping that string around those letters. It is not difficult to do and you are only limited by your imagination in terms of string color and pattern options. All the supplies can be found at your local craft store. You can use them as an ornament or a present tag. 


• 2-3 different colors of yarn 

• Wooden letters 

• Hot glue gun 

• Scissors 


1. Pick one color and start wrapping it around the letter. You can secure the end with either a dab of hot glue or by tucking it under the next layer of string. Decide what pattern you want to do. You may need to alternate colors accordingly.

2. Secure all finished ends with a dab of hot glue. Be sure to add a string loop to of the sides of you are making an ornament. It's very easy just glue both ends to the letter and wrap over it with the string.


Megan Forbes


Christina Hussey