DIY // Golden Natural Leaf Headband

We needed to have a natural leaf headband for a recent shoot we did with

Boonetown Story

and so Megan and I decided to make one. Naturally, she thought of the best way to go about it and did an awesome job with executing the idea. One of the easiest things to do is find some vine in the backyard, you most likely have some around if you take a look. We used honeysuckle. Megan picked off about 3 branches and then formed them into a circle, intertwining the branches. Just play with it while testing it on your head to make sure it fits. Once you have the circle, gently wire it together with craft wire. Paint it gold either using gold spray paint or this wonderful gold leaf paint that we used. It really is so easy and the gold adds so much to it. Honestly, if you already have craft wire and paint, it's so much cheaper and more rewarding to make this yourself rather than buying one from Urban Outfitters or someplace of the sort. Plus it looks natural and wild. 

We'll show the crown in action when we get the pics from shoot. Have you ever gilded things from the yard? We'd love to hear about it!