Inspired By // The East Western

We're feeling so inspired by creative entrepreneur and jewelry making friend, Megan Escalante of

The East Western

. We asked her if we could feature her here on the blog because we believe in the power of creative collaboration. Read on, be inspired, and be sure to head over to the East Western

Etsy Shop

to check out her jewelry!

1.   Where does the name The East Western come from?

The name The East Western was actually thought of by a friend. I loved it instantly. I was born out west then moved to the east. I loved the combination of the two words and decided to run with it.

2.   What got you started in the jewelry making business?

I remember when I was 13 or 14 I wanted to make bracelets and necklaces with  plastic neon colored beads. I ended up selling some at a few church conferences and it got me inspired. A few years after high school followed and I lost my interest in making jewelry. I eventually moved from Charlotte to Asheville, North Carolina. Asheville is such a creative town and my friends were all very creative. One day at work I had an idea for a pair of earrings I really wanted and I just made them. I was once again inspired to make jewelry.

3.   Where does your inspiration come from?

My main inspiration comes from my Mom and Dad. They always pushed my siblings and I to be creative without any drawbacks. My Dad is an amazing artist too and I always wanted a part in his creativity.

4.   Do you find it challenging to balance your day job and your creative outlet?

Yes and No. I wish I had more time in the day to create, time is so important.  I work a 9 to 5 job that sometimes can be stressful. Some days after work I start making jewelry just to relieve my stress.

5.  Whats one place in the world you would like to visit before you die?

That's a hard question. There are so many places I would LOVE to go. I always wanted to go to Iceland since I was a little girl. It looks so beautiful and green in the summer. I think it would be pretty magical.

6.   If you could go back in time and be friends with anyone, who would it be?

Johnny Cash for sure. He seemed to have such a tender heart. I remember I once had a dream a few years ago that my high school senior gift was that I got to meet Johnny Cash. In my dream it seemed like I talked to him for hours. Ever since then I have wanted to meet him.

7.   Any advice or wise words for anyone looking to start a small business or start pursuing any sort of creative endeavor?

Yes, go for it! Don't be afraid to try whatever idea or creative gesture you have brewing in your mind. I would rather fail at something then have never tried it.

8.   What are some of your goals for The East Western?

My major goal for The East Western is to make jewelry full time and have my business running for many years. I also would love to go to jewelry school and start making more of my own stuff. I am really excited for the growth of my jewelry line and am thankful for all the support from friends and even people I don't know. I am super excited for what the future holds for the East Western.

Thank you so much, Megan, for letting us interview you!

Don't forget to check out

The East Western Etsy Shop

to see more of her work and buy some jewelry!