25 Days of Craftsmas: Winter Terrarium

So, this is a little different from the crafts we have been posting lately, but it's a good one. We used a jar that belonged to Megan's Great-Great-Great Grandmother. Isn't that neat? One jar being passed down through the generations...just like Christmas traditions. Not to mention the fact that as the days get colder, it's nice to bring a little green cheeriness from the outdoors.


  • Glass jar or container
  • Various small plants and ferns. It would be beneficial to ask your local plant person for suggestions on what plants to use for a terrarium
  • Small river rocks
  • Charged Charcoal
  • Potting soil

1. Start by making a layer with the rocks on the bottom of your container. 

2. Then add a thin layer of the charcoal.

3. Add the soil. We made it about 4 inches deep. Just make certain that is deep enough for the root ball of your plants. 

4. Dig a small hole deep enough for your plants. Be sure to break up the root ball before you plant them. Arrange them in whatever way you'd like. 

5. Water them and then put the top on. Done and done. 

The terrarium needs to be put in a place with enough sunlight to read a book. It should not need to be watered but check it from time to time to make sure it isn't getting too dry.

Created by: 

Megan Forbes &

Ginger Hussey

Photos by: 

Christina Hussey