25 Days of Craftsmas: Natural Ornaments

This craft is so easy especially if you have access to pretty winter foliage. 

I happen to live in the woods where pine trees and holly berries are plentiful. 


  • Clear glass bulb ornaments
  • Winter foliage-pine tree branches, holly berries, etc...
  • Ornament hooks 

1. Start by gathering the foliage. If you don't have any nearby, 

you can find some at a grocery store or you can get faux-foliage from a local craft store.

2. Take the top off of your bulb and gently push the foliage into the bulb.

3. Put the top back on the bulb and hang it up.

You can use different colored berries and different types of leaves for variations between the bulbs.

So easy for your christmas tree or a little tree around the house.

Created by: 

Megan Forbes

Photos by: 

Christina Hussey