DIY Moss Terrarium

This project is really awesome because it's so simple and the options are limitless. I found this terrarium at an antique store but you can use anything...a jar, a glass bowl, or a cloche. This is a moss terrarium project, specifically, so it is very inexpensive. Let's get started. 


  • glass terrarium or jar
  • dried moss (can be purchased at a garden or craft store) 
  • pebbles or gravel 
  • activated charcoal (can be found at a garden or pet supply store)
  • potting soil 
  • living moss (we foraged it from my backyard)
  • decorations and accessories (rocks, crystals, figurines, etc)

1. Start by added a layer of pebbles in the bottom of the terrarium. This allows for drainage. It's a good idea to add the dried moss on top of the rocks. 

2. Add your potting soil. You only need about a 2" layer. Moss doesn't have deep roots. The charcoal can be added either before or after the soil. 

3. In order to get the moss, I took a spade and found some that I liked and literally cut it out of the yard. Moss grows in many places so all you need to do is just hunt a little bit. Heck, you can come get some from my yard. So once you have your moss patch, press it into the soil. Spritz it with a bit of water. 

4. Now, it's time to decorate. We used a mix of amethyst, quartz, and pyrite. I also found a little stick covered in lichen so I threw it in. Give it another spritz and close it up. Note* if you are using an open container, the moss will need to be misted twice daily. If it is closed, just keep an eye on it. If there isn't any condensation, it's time to mist again. 

DIY & Words by: Megan Forbes

Photos by: Christina Hussey